For several months now, the media and newspapers at frequent intervals have been talking about the famous Villa of Civita Giuliana in Pompeii. But why is there so much interest in this villa, why is it talked about so much?
It must be said that the growing importance of the luxurious suburban Villa of Civita Giuliana, located 600 meters from the walls of Pompeii, is connected to two conflicting reasons.
First, the most important one is related to the excavation works that are affecting this area of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii. Works that are returning to history an unprecedented heritage, which describes to us part of the important everyday life lived by ancient Pompeians.
This is the fundamental reason why the Villa is becoming so important, leading the media to focus on this place for the life of Pompeii.
But there is another reason why the Villa of Civita Giuliana has often been enunciated in major news outlets. And it is related to the numerous thefts enacted in this area by expert grave robbers. Who with the use of underground tunnels were despoiling the archaeological park of numerous finds.
Precisely because of this, excavation work in the Villa intensified in 2017. When following important discoveries, the archaeological park considered it essential to intervene there to put an end to these thefts.
And it is precisely by intensifying these excavation works that important and sensational elements of the life of ancient Pompeii and its inhabitants are resurfacing.
The Villa of Civita Giuliana
The luxurious Villa of Civita Giuliana partially unearthed between 1907 and 1908 is located 600 meters from the walls of Pompeii. It anciently overlooked the Gulf of Naples and consisted of a stately area used by the masters of the villa and a servile part used as a resting place for the slaves who worked in the service of the masters.
The stately part featured three living rooms, two bedrooms with fine floors and decorated with precious paintings, and a large banquet hall. While externally it consisted of a huge terrace surrounded by a very large cryptoporticus about 56 meters long.
A luxurious and finely decorated villa, also formed by a servile part, still the subject of excavations, which, for the time being, have unearthed two excavation rooms and a stable.
Discoveries in the Villa of Civita Giuliana
The Villa of Civita Giuliana since 2017 has been accustoming us to sensational and overwhelming discoveries that are surprising the archaeologists themselves. And they confirm the importance of continuing to excavate to protect and enhance this heritage.
From the discovery of a stunning ceremonial chariot in 2021 perfectly preserved, with the wheels and valuable decorative elements still visible. It was reconstructed and remained on display until July 30 at the Roman Museum.
Photos of Pompeii Archaeological ParkTo the bodies of two victims of the Vesuvius eruption found in 2020 and reconstructed in their last moments of agony using the cast method. To the intact cast of an entire horse in a stable at the Villa of Civita Giuliana.
Source Archaeological Park of PompeiiDiscoveries that do not stop and continue to amaze.
The latest discovery in the Villa of Pompeii
The latest is dated yesterday, August 20, 2023, and it is a new room in the excavations “named Room A.” Different from the one found in the previous months, which was completely reconstructed through the use of the cast method.
From the void left within the ground, two beds have re-emerged, one simple and without a mattress, the other more valuable with a backboard, on which the red-colored bands are still visible. Spalliera partly destroyed by the burrows dug by grave robbers in previous years.
As well as, using the cast method, small cabinets, textiles and the bodies of the victims of the Vesuvius eruption were reconstructed.
But not only inside the room there were also several amphorae and an iron hoe proving that this room was also used as a storage room.

Source Archaeological Park of PompeiiThe second slave room
Already in the previous months and exactly in November 2021, another slave room was found in the same area, called “room C.”
Again the room was reconstructed using the method of casts.
And from the impression of them emerged three wooden cots used as beds and a wooden chest containing metal and fabric objects probably used as harnesses for horses.
The bedsteads were formed of ropes and fabric blankets were laid on top of them. Restored to history and archaeological observation by the important cast method.
Photos of Pompeii Archaeological ParkSo important finds that are fundamental to reconstructing the life of Pompeii, which gives us insight into what conditions the less affluent classes lived in. What materials they used to make furnishings and what objects were used in their daily lives.