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Visiting the construction sites of the Herculaneum excavations


Every Friday from May 12 to June 16, the Herculaneum Archaeological Park opens its restoration sites to visitors.

An initiative that of the “Close Up Sites” started in 2018 and appreciated by the many visitors who visit the archaeological excavations.

One more opportunity for all archaeology lovers to enjoy up close the remains left by the ancient inhabitants of Herculaneum.

The usual Friday event provides visitors access to the sites open for restoration, so they can admire the daily work carried out by restorers, together with Park officials.

This is a completely free initiative in which all tourists who make reservations through the Close-up Sites desk at the Park’s Visitor Center, at least 15 minutes before the entrance shifts, can participate.

Visits to the construction sites are scheduled at 10:00 and 11:30 a.m., you will simply need to purchase entrance tickets for the Excavations visit. And through the Visitor Desk request a reservation for free access to the construction sites.

This is a great opportunity that allows you not only to visit the beauty of the Herculaneum Excavations but also to see up close the work being done by the restorers.

Even better if you decide to visit Herculaneum together with a professional guide!

Herculaneum has left the world an immense heritage that not even at other archaeological sites can be seen.

So for your visit to Herculaneum, I recommend that you do it with a guide. The explanations, details and history that the latter will be able to show you and get to know, you will not be able to discover on your own.

Only a tour guide is able to show you how Herculaneum used to be and take you back in time, leaving you with a cultural background you cannot even imagine.

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