The Virtual Archaeological Museum of Herculaneum is located in Via IV Novembre, near the Herculaneum excavations and the famous Vesuvian Villas of the Golden Mile.
Through the sophisticated technology of the MAV it has been possible to reconstruct the history of the cities destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, Herculaneum, Pompeii, Stabia and Oplonti, before they were buried forever.
A real virtual journey back in time, full of emotions, which through holograms and 3D reconstructions makes it possible to relive exactly the moments when the rain of ash, lapilli and pyroclastic flows hit the Vesuvian cities, burying them forever. But not only that, thanks to the virtual reconstruction made by the MAV, it is possible to admire all the small details of the domus in Pompeii and Herculaneum before the destruction.
The atrium and tablinum of the House of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii with its fine mosaics and the famous inscription on the floor CAVE CANEM. The animated reconstruction of the forum of Pompeii with the beautiful temple of Jupiter and Vesuvius behind it. The library with the numerous papyri in the Herculaneum Villa of the Papyri, the steam and the paintings that adorned the walls of the suburban baths.
In short, in the Virtual Archaeological Museum you can take a real plunge into the history and traditions of the inhabitants of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplonti and Stabia. The MAV is built on three levels and consists of a 360° immersive hall, a 5D multisensory hall, projection systems, 3D graphic virtual reconstructions, the best of technology can be found in the MAV.