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Herculaneum excavations, the curiosities you can’t see


The history of Herculaneum is one that fascinates and intrigues. Herculaneum is one of the oldest Roman cities, full of surprising details and elements never found in any ancient city. Buried in 79 A.D. by the eruption of Vesuvius, it was found by chance while digging a well in 1738.

Since then, every item that has been unearthed has always aroused much curiosity and surprise, both in the archaeologists themselves who carried out the excavations and in the tourists who visit the city of Herculaneum.

However, there are so many curiosities that are not known and cannot be admired during a simple visit to the excavations. But have come to light thanks to the relentless work of archaeologists.

Here in our guide, we will list some of these amazing curiosities, which you can discover, if you want, by visiting Herculaneum together with an experienced tour guide, who will introduce you to these and many other curiosities.

The curiosities of the Herculaneum excavations

1.The actual size of Herculaneum is not what we see today. Currently only 4.5 hectares have been excavated, but from studies conducted, it has been found that the actual size is actually about 15 hectares. The remaining part of the city of Herculaneum continues to be buried under the modern city.

View excavations of Herculaneum

2.The colors of Herculaneum. Nowhere in the world have traces of color been found so perfectly preserved, on sculptures, on doors as in Herculaneum. A prime example is the spectacular mosaic of Neptune and Amphitrite, found in the ancient house of Herculaneum. Not only are the colors of the mosaic pieces perfectly visible and clear, but even, during restoration work, it was possible to discern traces of gold.

Mosaics and frescos house of Neptune and Amphitrite at Herculaneum

3. Another interesting fact about Herculaneum concerns what the ancient inhabitants of the city ate. By examining the sewage found in the sewers and the skeletons in the fornices, it was possible to understand what the Herculaneans ate. Not only fish, vegetables, and meat, but also seafood, eggs, and black pepper.

skeletons of Herculaneum

4. The skeletons found inside the fornices were mostly skeletons of women and children, who had taken refuge inside the arches of the holds while waiting for rescue. Skeletons of men, on the other hand, were found on the beach, which would testify to the latter’s sacrifice to save their wives and children.

Learn all the interesting facts about Herculaneum with an expert guide

Not only these, but many other curiosities about Herculaneum you can discover from the account of an experienced guide. So for your visit to Herculaneum do not dwell in admiring only the paintings and elements that adorn the ancient houses, but get to know it in the most particular details.

You can do this by relying on the best guides in the area, with one of our tours, who will guide you and point out every detail of this wonderful city.

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