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From Aug. 1 in Pompeii reopens Imperial Villa, closes Antiquarium


From August 1, the Imperial Villa in Pompeii reopens and will house three of the casts displayed in the Antiquarium, which was temporarily closed for extraordinary renovations.

Along with the Imperial Villa, the House of the Sailor and the House of Triptolemus will also reopen.

Imperial Villa in Pompeii

Villa Imperiale is a suburban villa located just outside the walls of Pompeii, positioned near Porta Marina, below the Sanctuary of Venus (REGIO VIII insula 1).

It was built in the first century, but was badly damaged during the earthquake of 62 AD that struck Pompeii, destroying many houses.

The Villa was then completely renovated, but after a short time it was purchased by the state and partly destroyed to make way for granaries.

Spacious courtyards, rooms decorated with frescoes of rare beauty, marble floors with geometric patterns-this is Villa Imperiale. One of the greatest examples of the beauty of Pompeian painting in both the third and fourth styles found in Pompeii. Built close to the walls it was built on multi-level terraces overlooking the sea.

Dining room of the Imperial villa in Pompeii

A true example of cultural heritage that preserves in its huge oecus (dining room) eight meters high, seven meters long and six meters wide, one of Pompeii’s most valuable frescoes. It is a mythological scene depicting Daedalus and Icarus, with the latter on the ground aided by a nymph and Daedalus in flight. Theseus and the Minotaur, with the monster beaten and the hero surrounded by children, with two nymphs witnessing the scene, and Theseus abandoning Ariadne at Naxos, the only one not perfectly preserved.

Imperial Villa furnished for reopening

With the reopening of the Imperial Villa, visitors now have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the daily life of Pompeii. The tour route has been designed to offer a complete view of the villa, allowing visitors to take a closer look at the private rooms, interior gardens, and reception areas.

In fact, for the occasion all the rooms have been set up with all its furnishings: beds, benches, candelabra, oil lamps, tables and document boxes. It will thus be possible to visit a real Pompeian house complete with every piece of furniture and furnishings.

Villa Imperiale can be visited daily from 9:15 a.m. until 6:20 p.m., with last access at 6 p.m. Entrance is allowed from the Antiquarium access gate.

In addition to Villa Imperiale, the Sailor’s House and the House of Triptolemus also reopen.

The Sailor’s House in Pompeii

Sailor House Floor

The Sailor’s House, located near the forum, has a floor area of about 1,000 square meters with rooms that faced directly toward the sea. Characterized by the presence of a double atrium, a garden of about 290 square meters and a private bath quarter.

The mansion was entirely decorated with black and white mosaic floors, and it is from the entrance floor that the famous residence takes its name.

House of Triptolemus

The House of Triptolemus, owes its name to the famous fresco in the triclinium that depicts Triptolemus,receiving a basket of ears of corn from the goddess Persephone. Located in the most prestigious area of Pompeii, opposite the Basilica and near the Forum.

The house has in one of the rooms located at the end of the courtyard, a very rare mosaic floor with perspective cubes . Similar to that found in the cell of the nearby Temple of Apollo and in the Temple of Jupiter, an element that gives the house a special importance and elegance.

A real opportunity for many visitors to rediscover Pompeii’s most precious gems.

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