Who once in their life has not heard of the ” Cave Canem.” This inscription, which in Latin means ” Beware of the dog,” was placed at the entrance to the houses of the ancient Romans. The most famous is the one found on a floor mosaic in the house of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii.
An inscription, then, 2000 years old, which was used to warn some ill-intentioned person or those about to enter the owner’s dwelling that there was a vicious dog there.
The ancient inhabitants of Pompeii, were not in the habit of using signs with inscriptions to carry out a trivial warning. But used any form of art, such as precisely mosaics.
The famous Cave Canem mosaic depicting a menacing and ferocious dog in an attack position tied to a chain serves as the entrance to one of Pompeii’s ancient houses.
Made of white, black and red tiles, on a floor with a white background and black rhombuses, with a double black frame along the entire leading edge. It clearly bears the inscription Cave Canem at the foot of the ominous house keeper.
A precious and exceptional mosaic, which can be admired along Via delle Terme, protected by tempered glass.
The mosaics in the house of Paquio Proculus and in the house of Orpheus
But the depiction of man’s best friend and guardian is not the only specimen to be seen in Pompeii.
Mosaics bearing the figure of a dog in Pompeii, can also be seen in the house of Paquio Proculus (Regio I, Insula 7, nº 1). And in the house of Orpheus ( now preserved in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.)
Here, unlike, the CAVE CANEM mosaic, the animal is depicted without the famous inscription, but still tied to the leash at the entrance of the house.

The dog mosaic found in the house of Paquio Proculus is depicted on a half-open door on black and white floor mosaic.

In contrast, the one found in the house of Orpheus and now housed in the Archaeological Museum in Naples depicts a docile animal tied to a leash.
The House of the Tragic Poet of Pompeii of the Cave Canem
It is in the house of the Tragic Poet of Pompeii that the famous floor mosaic of Cave Canem was found.
The house, which is located behind the Central Forum, exactly in regio VI, Insula 8, has two entrances.
One overlooking Via Terme, where it is possible to admire the Cave Canem mosaic, protected by a large glass window. And another in Fullonica alley, which is the only one that allows access to the interior of the domus of the Tragic Poet.
The house consisting of a peristyle and atrium, with an impluvium in the center, owes its name not to the famous Cave Canem mosaic. But to another mosaic found in the atrium and now preserved in the National Museum in Naples.
The mosaic, in question, depicts the scene of two actors preparing for a play.
But not only that, large paintings depicting mythological characters were found inside the living room of the domus. Today, they too are preserved in the National Museum in Naples (the Marriage of Zeus and Hera on Mount Ida, the scene of Achilles and Briseis, and the Sale of Cupids).
What remains visible at present is only the fresco of Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus.
To make sure you don’t miss out on anything in Pompeii, let a professional and experienced guide take you through every detail of not only this magnificent dwelling, but also many others. With one of our tours you will have a magnificent and unforgettable experience.